mairunovich is a shoujo manga based on school life and romance. It's about a girl named Mairu who is basically ugly and outcasted. She is nick named "Poison Mushroom" after her appearance.
Mairu's life changed the day she is tricked by a boy in her school and made fun of. That day Mairu gets hurt for the first time and wishes she had some friends and that people wouldn't hate her this much. She is noticed by the school's most popular guy; Tenyu. He walks by her and randomly passes a comment saying that being ugly is a poor excuse for being so miserable. Something about his comment makes Mairu want to change herself and seeks help from her friend\neighbour. After applying make-up Mairu is transformed into a cute looking high school girl and captures the attention of her classmates very successfully. After this the manga continues with Mairu's desperate efforts on finding love. She dates different guys and learns from her mistakes, not giving up on finding her "one".
Mairu: 17
She is an innocent outcast of her school who is despised by her school mates, her brother and herself. She is someone who is emotionally unstable (cries about everything ), bad at making or even keeping friends, thinks looks are everything (mind you, the whole point of this manga is looks are everything) She is of no use to anyone, except the guys who date her. At the end she is a 'not so appealing make-up lover'
Kumada Tenyu (17 or possibly 18 since they don't mention it in the manga)
He is a popular and good looking guy of Mairu's high school. He takes pity on her decides to help her. Tenyu wants to be a makeup artist when he grows up. Other than helping Mairu look good he also mentors her. He gives her advice and protects her. He is always there for her when she needs a shoulder to cry on. Even though he is asked to leave twice by Mairu, she always ends up in a big trouble and calls him back (like she only uses him, da faq). All in all, Tenyu is a great character( although there are not many people like him in this world ). And I think in the end he is gonna be Mairu's 'the one'
(There are only two main characters so I'll be reviewing only them for now)
Although it's a very young manga with only 41 chapters until now (ongoing), in my opinion it's very stupid. To be honest I also got annoyed with Mairu's ameture and annoying character. I mean, how desperate can she get? She treats her only friend 'Tenyu' like a god and even asks him to leave her alone at one point when he is only trying to help her. Seeing this I realise why she doesn't have any friends. On the other hand the thing about 'becoming beautiful after applying make-up' is very ridiculous. Can an unattractive person with a lot of makeup on be asked to model for a magazine ? I don't think so -_-
One more thing about Mairu is that she despises herself. There's something about me that makes me wanna hate people who despise themselves for no reason. (Every critic is different so yea that's my opinion). Maybe that's the reason I find her character very unappealing.
Mairu's evolution ^

Mairu after applying make up ^